Monday 24 March 2014

To be or not to be a beekeper that is the question...

Dear reader,

usual is boring. So it would be interesting to keep bees. Unlike with other pets, which only cost money, you can use the honey and wax and even sell it. Also they're quite independent animals. Surely you've got to check if they've got enough food and water. But that's nothing compared to say guinea pigs with a cage, which needs to be cleaned weekly and is in need of hay, straw and litter by the kilo or like a cat with a cat toilet, which needs cleaning daily and it's not like a dog, which needs to go for a walk a couple of times a day either. In books I read that taking care of the bees takes time of about 10 hours over a year. If I compare that to my guinea pigs: cleaning the cage takes about 10 minutes, if I hurry, more often it's more like 20 minutes to half an hour once a week. Even with 10 minutes a week, if I add this up for a month, it's 40 minutes per month and that's just cleaning the cage.

There's a beekeeper there that offers what he's calling godparenting. The bees are in your garden and there's a godparent/experienced beekeeper coming over to take care of them. One can also be taught how to take care of the bees and the honey is definitely for you to keep.

It's of course also important to test for bee toxin allergy. I'm not allergic. So that's how far I am already now. And what now? Should I call the beekeeper or not? That phone call is the only thing standing between the bees and me. Okay and a visit from a beekeeper to check if the bees can be kept here and where. I'm not quite sure yet. I don't dare calling the beekeeper yet. Or maybe all I want is a bit of attention with an unusual hobby. The news alone of me maybe getting bees is quite exiting for a lot of people.

Until next blog,

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