Dear reader,
the dandelions were
blooming in the garden so vast that I only needed about a quarter of
the flowers for the receipt doubled of the dandelion marmalade,
which I made in april. But then came the gardener and mowed the lawn
and then the dandelion blooming period was over. It seems like I
won't be able to make any more dandelion marmalade this year. Not
many people know that dandelion isn't weed, but can be used. The
flowers can also be used for tea. I would like to taste dandelion
tea. My first one definitely brewed for too long and was bitter
tasting. Now I don't have the flowers. At least the leaves are still
growing and I can use them for my guinea pigs.
In China the government
permitted that the sparrows be shot. They eat up the crops for the
people there. With the sparrows gone, the crops are infested by bugs.
So pesticides are used to kill them off. The pesticides however don't
just kill the bugs, they also kill the bees. As a result of that
people have to pollinate the plants in China. Anyone care to guess
who's better pollinating plants: bees or people?
So many could be used with
a little bit more information and knowledge. Instead everything
that's not wanted is destroyed. But, hey, maybe Mars will be
habitable in a couple of decades! Since the Earth is not nice enough
anymore, maybe we could move there instead. Wouldn't that be nice?
Until next blog,
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