
Friday 15 May 2015

And some more dandelions

Dear reader,

only a short entry today in addition to my previous dandelion jelly entries from last month. The season of dandelion flowers seems over for this year already. But the flowers are far from the only thing you can use. Also the roots can be used for dandelion coffee, which has been made a lot after the war. Since it's caffeine free, you can also drink it late at night.

Paul Tappenden has a video on making dandelion coffee. He seems like nice guy and also explains very well what to watch for and how to make it easy and fast.

Mother Earth News also has 9 things to do with dandelion. And if you're still not convinced that dandelions are healthy for you, check out this list of 11 health benefits of dandelion and dandelion roots.

And here's a Dandelion Greens Pesto for you to mention just some examples that might be unusual for you to get you started.

As promised, only a short post for you today. As you can see, dandelion is very versatile as well as healthy and there's no reason to just exterminate it. Might as well use it. It's far from just a wild weed. A while ago I read on a German forum that there's no such thing as a weed anyway. It was something like: "There are only wild herbs growing at the wrong place."

Certainly you can get creative with dandelions and other wild herbs, too. Tell me about your (taste) adventures in the comments.

Until next blog,

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