Tuesday, 25 July 2017

I don't like rain - yes, I do like it

There are sayings around the topic that not circumstances or situations are bad, but what's important is how we deal with them and perceive them. That sounds good and nice. Sometimes it's easier said than done. It's true though.

Last Wednesday it was hot and the postman complained. I told him that now everyone complains that it's too hot, but next time it's cold and wet again, everyone will complain again. This time that it's too cold and wet. I told him that I'd like it to be cooler, but don't like wet much. He said, he likes wet.

Thursday the cooling came and I had to go to work in the rain. I do not like umbrellas, because you've got 1) something in your hand and don't have it free and 2) what do I do with a wet umbrella? I prefer a wet jacket and hands free from umbrellas, dry or wet. Accordingly my jacket got wet on the way from my place to the train station. I had pulled my hood over the head. On the train I pulled the hood back off my head.

When I arrived at the stop at work, the rain hadn't stopped yet. Out of a somewhat strange feeling I didn't pull the hood back over my head. My hair got wet and suddenly I didn't care. No, it wasn't that I didn't care. It was good. I had been wrong on Wednesday. The rain got my hair wet. Inconvenient, since my hair curls up with a bit of natural curls I've got. It looks messy. Also no opportunity to dry the hair reasonably and fast either. At least I've got short hair.

I thought of someone in a movie, who over time has quite many scenes in which he gets more or less wet from rain. Sometimes he's got a hat. More than once he's got nothing to protect his head and hair. I thought of the actor and his character and the rain was suddenly perfectly fine and good. Strange how a simple mental connection can change the feelings for a situation.

No, I won't reveal which movie, actor or character I had in my head. That will stay my little secret. It's my connection anyway. If you don't like rain, you should find your own connection to make it likable. It can be liberating.

Friday, 7 July 2017


During the night from Tuesday to Wednesday I dreamed of bombs. I was in a house or flat and cowering at a wall and I could hear bombs falling outside. The dream was dragging on. Sometimes I did something else and had almost forgotten the bombs, because none had fallen anymore. But then the next ones came. That repeated itself several times. Nothing more happened in that dream. The building where I had been never got hit. I don't remember anymore if I had looked outside a window. In reality I probably would have stayed away from windows, because of the danger of bursting glass. Although a bomb fire is much worse, of course than flying glass pieces.

In the morning I checked my e-mail inbox and only read the first headline of the e-mail from The Guardian. It seemed like North Korea has launched missiles ((The Guardian today: North Korea missile test a 'new threat to world', says US amid show of military force: North Korea missile test a 'new threat to world', says US amid show of military force). A test. Great. Especially after my dream.

As I was waiting for the train, there was a proverb on the screen. Proverbs first are shown in pictures, before showing it in writing at the end. This morning had: “to break a butterfly with a wheel”. In German it's literally: to shoot with cannons on sparrows.” Cannons are not bombs, but it's kind of close.

A co-worker told me on our way to work that she had heard on the radio this morning that 2 bombs were about to be disposed today in our city.

A somewhat “bomb loaded” week this one...

I will wear my t-shirt tomorrow, which I obviously have bought almost 2 years ago: “Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity” (A probably valueless statement).